Keyboard Shortcuts For Text Size And Bold Mac

  1. Shortcut For Bold In Word
  2. Keyboard Command To Bold Text
  3. Shortcut Keys For Bold
  4. Text Shortcuts Windows 10

The following keyboard shortcuts are available in the apps.

TABCreate a new child
RETURNEnd edit or create new sibling
⌘ RETURNStart edit or create a new sibling (splitting the text at the cursor if necessary)
Shift RETURNCreate a new sibling (before)
⌥ RETURNInsert newline into topic text
Shift TABCreate new parent
F2[OSX only] Edit selected topic text
F4[OSX only] Show/Hide Notes
PERIODShow/Hide a branch
[0..9]Show N levels or sub topic deep
⌘ [1..5]Set topic priority
⌥ [1..9]Add nth favourite icon
SPACEShow QuickLook (images/attachments)
⌘ ⌥ Ctrl SPACE Symbol picker (when editing text)
ESCAbort edit and revert to original text or deselect all. Undo is available to recover any reverted text.
⌘ ASelect All (visible) topics
Arrow KeyNavigate around the map (topic to topic)
⌘ Arrow KeyChange topic order
⌥ Arrow KeyNudge manual aligned topic positions
⌘ ⌥ Arrow KeyCreate new related floating topics
⌘ [X C V]Cut/ Copy/ Paste
BACKSPACEDelete selected topics (including child topics)
⌘ BACKSPACEDelete individual (selected) topics (not including child topics)
⌘ +/-Increase/decrease size (image, font etc.)
⌘ [B I U]Bold/ Italic/ Underline
⌘ Shift HHighlight
⌘ ⌥ UStrikethrough
⌘ F[OSX only] Find/Replace
⌘ ⌥ TToggle between edit and view mode for notes
⌘ Shift TToggle the notes window open/closed
⌘ Ctrl TToggle between editing note and topic text
⌘ RResearch - launch browser with topic text as search term
⌘ Ctrl FToggle 'full screen' mode
⌘ Shift KInsert Callout topic
L[OSX only] Create relationship between 2 selected topics
⌘ 0Toggle between 'Zoom to fit map' and 'Center map with no zoom'
⌘ Shift 0Toggle between 'Zoom to fit map' and 'Zoom to fit selection'
⌘ Ctrl 0Toggle 'auto zoom' on/off
⌘ >Zoom in
⌘ <Zoom out
PIncrement the Progress attribute (Shift P to decrement)
CEdit Cost
EEdit Effort
⌘ K[OSX only] Edit the hyperlink attribute
⌘ ⌥ KOpen the hyperlink
⌘ Shift FToggle Focus mode on/off
⌘ Shift OShow/Hide Outline View
DoubleClick Canvas Create new floating topic (DoubleTap on iOS)
CMD+DoubleClick Canvas Create new related floating topic (SHIFT+DoubleTap on iOS)
CMD+DoubleClick Topic Create new relationship (SHIFT+DoubleTap on iOS)

Shortcut For Bold In Word

To increase the Safari web browsers readable text size, hit the Command key and + key (plus key, it’s located next to the delete key on a Mac keyboard), it will instantly make the font size larger. Or to make the font size on pages smaller, use the Command and the – (minus) key to make text smaller. Keyboard Shortcuts. InDesign CS3 Shortcuts: Mac. Here are many keyboard shortcuts for InDesign CS3, including lesser known and hidden keystrokes! Increase/decrease size (image, font etc.) Ctrl B I U Bold/ Italic/ Underline: Ctrl Shift U: Strikethrough (when editing text) Ctrl Shift H: Highlight (when editing text) Ctrl R: Research - launch browser with topic text as search term: Ctrl Shift K: Insert Callout topic: Ctrl 0: Toggle between 'Zoom to fit map' and 'Center map with no zoom' Ctrl PgUp: Zoom in.

TABCreate a new child
RETURNEnd edit or create new sibling
Ctrl RETURNEdit selected topic text
Shift RETURNCreate a new sibling (before) or insert newline into topic text
Shift TABCreate new parent
F2Edit selected topic text
F4Show/Hide Notes
PERIODShow/Hide a branch
[0..9]Show N levels or sub topic deep
Ctrl [1..5]Set topic priority
Alt [1..9]Add nth favourite icon
SPACEShow QuickLook (images/attachments)
Ctrl Alt SPACE Symbol picker (when editing text)
ESCAbort edit and revert to original text or deselect all. Undo is available to recover any reverted text.
Ctrl ASelect All (visible) topics
Arrow KeyNavigate around the map (topic to topic)
Ctrl Arrow KeyChange topic order
Ctrl Alt Arrow KeyCreate new related floating topics
Ctrl [X C V]Cut/ Copy/ Paste
BACKSPACE/DELETEDelete selected topics (including child topics)
Ctrl BACKSPACE/DELETEDelete individual (selected) topics (not including child topics)
Ctrl +/-Increase/decrease size (image, font etc.)
Ctrl [B I U]Bold/ Italic/ Underline
Ctrl Shift UStrikethrough (when editing text)
Ctrl Shift HHighlight (when editing text)
Ctrl RResearch - launch browser with topic text as search term
Ctrl Shift KInsert Callout topic
Ctrl 0Toggle between 'Zoom to fit map' and 'Center map with no zoom'
Ctrl PgUp Zoom in
Ctrl PgDnZoom out
PIncrement the Progress attribute (Shift P to decrement)
CEdit Cost
EEdit Effort
Ctrl KEdit the hyperlink attribute
Ctrl Alt KOpen the hyperlink
Ctrl TEdit/View notes
Ctrl Shift TShow/Hide notes
Ctrl FFind/Filter
Ctrl Shift FToggle Focus mode on/off
Ctrl Shift OShow/Hide Outline View
DoubleClick Canvas Create new floating topic
Ctrl DoubleClick Canvas Create new related floating topic
Ctrl DoubleClick Topic Create new relationship

Increase the font size ⌘ + Shift + font size ⌘ + Increase the font size by 1 point ⌘ + Decrease the font size by 1 point ⌘ + D. Change the formatting of characters (Font command, Format menu) Shift + F3. Change the case of letters ⌘ + Shift + A. Format in all capital letters ⌘ + B. Apply bold formatting ⌘ + U. Format text Keyboard shortcut; Bold ⌘/Ctrl + b: Italic ⌘/Ctrl + i: Underline ⌘/Ctrl + u: Increase font size ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + Decrease font size ⌘/Ctrl + Shift +.

Keyboard Command To Bold Text

Balsamiq for Desktop Documentation

Below is a list of all the keyboard shortcuts and modifiers available in Balsamiq Wireframes.

Working with Controls


Edit the selected control's textENTER or F2
Add to selectionSHIFT+Click
Toggle selectionCTRL+Click
Select AllCTRL+A
Ignore control(s) under cursorHold ALT
Treat/do not treat selection as markupCTRL+SHIFT+K


Resize maintaining aspect ratioHold SHIFT while resizing with mouse
Move selection along horizontal or vertical axisHold SHIFT while dragging
Disable snapping during move or resizeHold CTRL
Grow/Increase text or icon sizeCTRL+]
Shrink/Decrease text or icon sizeCTRL+[
Nudge selection 1px
Nudge selection 10pxSHIFT+
Nudge-Resize selection 1pxCTRL+ALT+
Nudge-Resize selection 10pxCTRL+ALT+SHIFT+
Auto-Size selectionCTRL+ALT+0
Pan the canvas (Hand tool)SPACE BAR+Click and drag
Bring to frontCTRL+SHIFT+
Send to backCTRL+SHIFT+
Bring forwardCTRL+
Send backwardCTRL+
Duplicate selectionALT+drag


Undo last commandCTRL+Z
Redo last commandCTRL+Y or CTRL+SHIFT+Z
Cut the selected controlsCTRL+X or SHIFT+DELETE
Copy the selected controlsCTRL+C or CTRL+INSERT
Paste In PlaceCTRL+SHIFT+V
Delete the selected controlsDELETE or BACKSPACE
Duplicate the selected controlsCTRL+D
Lock the selected controlsCTRL+2
Unlock all locked controlsCTRL+3
Transform the selected controlsCTRL+ALT+T


Group the selected controlsCTRL+G
Ungroup the selected groupsCTRL+SHIFT+G


Align selected controls leftCTRL+ALT+1
Align selected controls centerCTRL+ALT+2
Align selected controls rightCTRL+ALT+3
Align selected controls topCTRL+ALT+4
Align selected controls middleCTRL+ALT+5
Align selected controls bottomCTRL+ALT+6

Working with Icons

Navigating the Suggestion List
Using the selected iconENTER
Closing the Icons LibraryESC
Closing the Suggestion ListESC
Grow/Increase icon sizeCTRL+]
Shrink/Decrease icon sizeCTRL+[

Working with Text

Start Editing text of the selected controlENTER or F2
Committing the current textENTER (single-line controls), CTRL+ENTER (multi-line controls) or click anywhere
Ignoring the current editESC
Grow/Increase Text SizeCTRL+]
Shrink/Decrease Text SizeCTRL+[

Text Formatting

italic_text in underscores_
link[text in brackets]
link with a target[text in brackets](wireframe_name) or
[text in brackets](website_url)
bold*text in asterisks*
disabled-text in hyphens-
strikethrough~text in tildes~
font point size{size:12}text{size}
color (hex value or color name){color:#ff0000}text{color} or
To type a literal *, , − -, or [] in a control, escape it by prefixing it with a (backslash): *, , −-, , []

Special Text Macros

Lorem-Ipsum generatortype lorem in a Text or Text Area control.
Show the current wireframe nametype {mockup-name} in a Label, Text, Title or Subtitle control.

Quick Add

Sending focus to Quick Add/ (forward slash) or
+ (plus sign)
Navigating the Suggestion List
Closing the Suggestion ListESC
Sending focus back to the CanvasESC
Add control at cursor positionSHIFT+ENTER

Drawing Controls

Learn more about drawing controls here
Draw a rectangle on the canvasR+drag
Draw a block of text on the canvasT+drag
Draw a line of text on the canvasY+drag

Project Actions

New blank wireframeCTRL+SHIFT+N
Duplicate current wireframeCTRL+ALT+N
New projectCTRL+N
Open projectCTRL+O
Save as...CTRL+SHIFT+S
Rename wireframeF2 or CTRL+ALT+R
Close current projectCTRL+W or CTRL+F4
Export this wireframe's JSONCTRL+E
Import wireframe JSONCTRL+SHIFT+E
Export snapshot to clipboardCTRL+SHIFT+C
Export snapshot to PNGCTRL+R
Export all snapshots to PNGCTRL+SHIFT+R
Export to PDFCTRL+P
Quit the Balsamiq Wireframes editorCTRL+Q
Next wireframeCTRL+TAB (Windows)
+PAGE DOWN or fn++ (Mac)
Previous wireframeCTRL+SHIFT+TAB (Windows)
+PAGE UP or fn++ (Mac)
Top of wireframeHOME (Windows)
fn+SHIFT+ (Mac)
Bottom of wireframeEND (Windows)
fn+SHIFT+ (Mac)


Hide/Show the UI LibraryCTRL+L or CTRL+F1
Hide/Show the InspectorCTRL+; or ALT+ENTER
Hide/Show the Project InfoCTRL+,
Hide/Show the Navigator PanelCTRL+J
Show/Hide MarkupCTRL+K
Back to Wireframes (From Symbols/Assets/Trash)CTRL+SHIFT+M
Zoom InCTRL++ (plus sign) or CTRL+scroll mouse
Zoom OutCTRL+- (minus sign) or CTRL+scroll mouse
Zoom to Actual SizeCTRL+1
Zoom to FitCTRL+0


Enter Full Screen ViewCTRL+F or F5
Exit Full Screen ViewESC
Edit Current Wireframee
Hide/Show Settings Panels
Hide/Show Navigatorj
Hide/Show Notesn
Hide/Show Commentsc
Hide/Show Link Hintsl
Hide/Show Big Arrow Cursorb
Hide/Show Markupm
Pan CanvasClick+drag
Next WireframePage Down (Windows)
⌥ Option+ (Mac)
Previous WireframePage Up (Windows)
⌥ Option+ (Mac)

Zoom to Fit All on Windows 10

For users with Windows Vista and above, you may find that the Zoom to Fit All (CTRL+SHIFT+0) doesn't work. The reason for this is that Windows captures the input before it gets sent to Wireframes for Desktop, preventing the app from ever seeing it.

Luckily, the fix is super easy.

Shortcut Keys For Bold

The option for changing the shortcut is in a different place in Windows 8 and Windows 10. In Windows 8 you will need to go to Control Panel > Language > Advanced Settings and then find the Change language bar hot keys button. In Windows 10 it's in Settings > Devices > Typing > Advanced keyboard settings.

Text Shortcuts Windows 10

From there click Change Key Sequence... and then set Switch Keyboard Layout to Not Assigned.