Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf

The fundamental coaching philosophy consists of teaching basic basketball fundamentals such as shooting, dribbling, passing, rebounding and etc. If your players learn and understand the proper shooting fundamentals, your team will be a good shooting team no matter what offense you run. Mar 5, 2017 - This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for! Animated basketball play called carolina motion. From the categories: offense motion and offense man. Garland Pinholster Wheel Offense Playbook by Wes Kosel. Here is a Garland Pinholster Wheel Offense playbook based on notes and diagrams from Coach Garland Pinholster. Coach Pinholster is credited for the innovation of the wheel offense. He created the Garland Pinholster Wheel Offense in the late 1950s while coaching at Oglethorpe University. Wheel Offense Action Playbook: Continuity Ball Screen Offense. Wheel Action - Continuity Ball Screen Offense DESCRIPTION:. UNIQUE! Works with all types of players whether you have all guards or two bigs. It provides you the ability to always keeping the competition on your toes with this new offense like the best basketball coaches do. DOES.

The circle offense is a continuity-based offense and it is also a variation of the 5 out motion offense.

The main sequence of the offense is to have at least three players in constant motion at all times.

By doing this in a continuous fashion, defensive breakdowns could possibly occur which then creates scoring opportunities at the basket for the offense.

Also, due to the potential for the defense to break down, the circle offense can be beneficial against teams with average or below average defensive IQ.

Coaching basketball wheel offense

Furthermore, the circle offense contains elements derived from the Princeton offense that feature backdoor cuts as a counter option when the opposing team executes deny defense.

Finally, it could also be used as a possible delay offense in order to run time off of the clock while the players are in continuous motion.

General Principles

This section contains some of the general principles to consider when implementing and executing the circle offense.

Good spacing
All players should be about 15 to 18 feet apart for good spacing.

Wings above free throw line extended
The wing players should be slightly above the free throw line extended.

This will give the players enough space and time to either pass to a teammate or cut to the basket.

Constant Motion
At least three players should always be in constant motion.

By staying in motion, this will increase the chance to cause defensive breakdowns.

As a result of defensive miscues, opportunities to score at the basket will also be increased.

Backdoor cut when denied
At some point during the offensive sequence, the defense will most likely start denying the passing lanes.

If and when that occurs, players should immediately backdoor cut to the basket.

Even if a player is not open on the cut, that player is still in motion.

Also, the defense would have to work that much harder to cover the assigned player.


This section demonstrates the basic continuity of the circle offense.

Continuity – Part 1

1 makes a pass to the 2-man and makes a shallow cut near the high post and then towards the left side wing area.

Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf

At the same time, 3 makes a curl cut directly behind 1 towards the basket.

Also, as that happens, 4 cuts behind 3 and moves towards the top of the key.

2 can make the pass to 3 if that is open.

If the pass is not open, 3 flattens out to the left side corner.

The action continues in the next diagram.

Continuity – Part 2

2 reverses the basketball to the 4-man at the top of the key who then reverses to the 1-man.

Following that top to wing reversal, 4 makes a shallow cut near the high post and then out towards the right side wing area.

As that occurs, 2 cuts behind 4 and moves towards the basket.

At the same time, 5 cuts behind 2 and lifts to the top of the key.

1 can make the pass to the 2-man for the layup.

If the layup is not there, then 2 can flatten out to the right side corner.

From this point, the action would continue as before.

That is to say, the 1-man would reverse the ball to 5 who would also make a reversal pass to 4 and so on.


This section gives examples of counter options for the circle offense.

Ball on Wing 1

For this example, the ball handler on the wing (the 2-man) would like to reverse the ball back to the top of the key.

However, the player at the top (the 4-man) is being denied the reversal action by X4 (represented by the gray arrow).

When that happens, this triggers an automatic backdoor by the 4-man.

The 2-man can make the pass to the 4-man who can shoot the layup.

If 4 is not open, then simple fill and replace action occurs.

1 fills the vacated top area while 3 moves to the left side wing area.

Basketball Wheel Offense Video

Also, 4 cuts out to the empty left side corner.

Afterwards, the circle action continues with a reversal to the 1-man.

Ball on Wing 2

This is another type of counter against the deny defense at the top of the key.

This time, 2 dribbles towards the top of the key.

The dribble action triggers an automatic backdoor by the 4-man.

The 4-man can receive the pass from the 2-man and shoot the layup.


If that is not open, fill and replace action occurs once again.

However, this time, it is from the strong side.

5 lifts up to the vacated right side wing while 4 fills the empty right side corner.

Afterwards, 2 would reverse the basketball to 1 and the action continues from there.

Ball on Top – Part 1

This is an example of a counter option when the wing is being denied.

Here, X5 is denying the wing entry pass with a hand in the passing lane represented by the gray arrow.

When that happens, 2 immediately dribbles at the wing.

The dribble sequences triggers the automatic backdoor cut by 5.

Next, 2 can pass to 5 who shoots the layup if that is open.

Ball on Top – Part 2

If 5 is not open on the backdoor cut, 2 continues the dribble towards the right side wing.

As that occurs, 4 cuts to the wing to execute dribble hand off action with 2.

Next, 4 dribbles back towards the top of the key.

At the same time, 5 pops out to fill the vacated right side corner.

From this point, the circle motion offense can continue where 4 would reverse the ball to 1.


This section showcases some additional variations that can be implemented into the circle offense.

Down Screen

This example demonstrates a down screen by the initial passer instead of the standard shallow cut.

To begin, the 1-man makes a pass to the 2-man on the wing.

Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf Printable

Afterwards, 1 moves down near the mid-post block to set a down screen.

At the same time, 3 cuts behind 1 to the basket while 4 cuts to the top from the down screen.

The 2-man can make an inside or outside pass to 3 or 4 respectively.

Side Ball Screen – Part 1

This example features a side ball screen option for the circle offense.

Everything primarily starts as normal with the three player cuts.

However, the player that comes from the corner to the top will set a side ball screen for the ball handler on the wing.

For this diagram example, 1 makes a pass to 3 and shallow cuts near the high post and then out to the right side wing.

As that happens, 2 cuts behind 1 and moves towards the basket.

5 moves behind 3 and cuts to the top of the key.

Side Ball Screen – Part 2

Coaching Basketball Wheel Offense

Next, 3 dribbles to the top of the key by way of a side ball screen set by 5.

After the screen is set, the 5-man immediately rolls to the basket.

More than likely, 3 will not be able to throw the pocket pass to 5 from the top.

Therefore, on the time of the roll action, 3 makes a pass to the 1-man who can make the pass to 5.

Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf Sheet

If that pass is also not available, 1 can reverse down to the 2-man in the right side corner.

From there, the 2-man can make the post entry pass to 5 who can shoot the layup or score with a low post move.


Basketball Wheel Offense Pdf Cover

Circle Offense Basics
Circle Offense – In Game Footage